On the Hardness of Robustness Transfer: A Perspective from Rademacher Complexity over Symmetric Difference Hypothesis Space (preprint)


Recent studies demonstrated that the adversarially robust learning under {{</* math />}}$\ell_\infty${{</ /math />}} attack is harder to generalize to different domains than standard domain adaptation. How to transfer robustness across different domains has been a key question in domain adaptation field. To investigate the fundamental difficulty behind adversarially robust domain adaptation (or robustness transfer), we propose to analyze a key complexity measure that controls the cross-domain generalization, the adversarial Rademacher complexity over symmetric difference hypothesis space {{</ math />}}$\mathcal{H} \Delta \mathcal{H}${{</ /math */>}}. For linear models, we show that adversarial version of this complexity is always greater than the non-adversarial one, which reveals the intrinsic hardness of adversarially robust domain adaptation. We also establish upper bounds on this complexity measure. Then we extend them to the ReLU neural network class by upper bounding the adversarial Rademacher complexity in the binary classification setting. Finally, even though the robust domain adaptation is provably harder, we do find positive relation between robust learning and standard domain adaptation. We explain how adversarial training helps domain adaptation in terms of standard risk. We believe our results initiate the study of the generalization theory of adversarially robust domain adaptation, and could shed lights on distributed adversarially robust learning from heterogeneous sources, e.g., federated learning scenario.

Nidham Gazagnadou
Nidham Gazagnadou
Research Scientist

My research interests include federated learning, edge AI and computer vision privacy.